Driving a car normally is about getting from point A to point B for daily drivers; however your vehicle is a second home for you where you need to create a convenient and safe environment for yourself and your family. Often time the essentials for cars are taken non serious by most of drivers on road however unfortunately when the need arise these small things can make a big difference proving helpful and lifesaving in case of any unexpected event. This is more recommended for the car owners driving on countryside or long routes as compared to urban drivers who can get help immediately just by emergency services or others. While you may not need these safety and must have items in your daily routine, being a responsible citizen it is necessary to equip your vehicle with these items. Here is the list of some items you need for your ease and safety purposes.
- Car Charger:
Communication is most advanced form of connecting with others, be it a random call or when you get stuck on road. Hence it is crucial to have a charger so your phone can be charged if battery runs out. Not only this helps in emergency but also will let you take calls and navigation from your cellphone.
- First Aid Kit:
Accidents are unfortunate, so are injuries while you may be driving safely on road still any bad incident can occur. Such events don’t come informed therefore having a proper first aid kit can prove to be a great help in case of any minor injury, Additionally it enables you to help others in case of any unfortunate event. Some bandages, plasters, anti-bacterial liquid, aspirin, paracetamol will do the job.

- Spare Tire:
Surprisingly event though a spare tire comes with the car, some people don’t care enough to check the condition of spare tire kept in trunk or in some cases the vehicle doesn’t even has it. Not only it will cause you a lot of trouble if you car brakes down in middle of nowhere but also cost you a lot of money on recovery trailer in case the tires bursts completely, therefore spare tire is crucial as it will save you from hassle.

- Maintenance Kit for car:
The list includes couple of wrenches, a jack for changing the tire, tow-chain, and jumper cables. The tow-chain will help you get towed in term of break down while jumper wires enables you to get help in starting on your car if the car battery downs on you. Breaking down on road can be a night mare if you don’t have proper tools to tackle the problem. In addition duct tape and wd40 are also recommended just in case you need them. The list also includes water in case of car heats and bottled water in case you need to survive a night stuck on road.

- Flashlight and Hunter Knife:
Imagine your car breaking down at night in middle of night with you being left alone on road or getting a flat tire. A flashlight is not only important for using it in car inspection but also a key component when it comes to safety and survival. Make sure flashlight is good enough with multiple batteries or cells capable enough to get you through hours similarly a hunter knife for your safety.
- Radio:
It may sound odd but sometimes signals run out on you especially when travelling on long routes. A radio costs cheap for a $4-$5 but enables you to communicate around.
- Map:
Yes the one drawn on paper so that if you get stranded with your internet not working on a hill or in middle of nowhere, you still have access to directions.

- Umbrella:
How many times have you gone out for a drive and it rained while you end up running from your car towards the building while it may be fun sometimes but it ruins your dress in case of going into a meeting or interview. An umbrella should be kept at back of rear seat or trunk unless you have a Rolls Royce with a built-in umbrella in doors.
- Tissue box:
No one like sticky hands after you grab a meal, ice-cream, coffee or anything in general other than eatables. Tissue is necessary item used on daily basis. Most of people keep these but somehow it has to be mentioned in must haves.
- Extra Cash:
In case you lose your wallet and need to fill gas, it will certainly help a lot, sometimes running out of cash and being unable to pay for parking can also be taken care of by this little cash.