The chief representative Shigeki Furuta of Jica company announced in a meeting that The Japan International Cooperation Agency (Jica) will help in enhancing the automotive industry of Pakistan.It plans to increase the domestic production of pakistan from 200,000 by bringing features that are more safe and environment friendly.This was announced in a meeting in the presence of Abdul Razak Dawood the Adviser to Prime Minister on Commerce, Textile, Industries, Production and Investment.They also discussed the impact of increased taxes on the sale of automobile industry and the depressed situation of the manufacturers.
Delegation headed by Shigeki Furuta:
Shigeki Furuta headed a meeting in which he intended to upgrade automobile industry of Pakistan.The main reason behind this intention was to improve trade and investment.In the meeting they also discussed providing a supporting environment for Japanese automobile companies and supporting the activities of Japanese automobile companies like Suzuki, Toyota and Honda.
Shigeki Furuta interest in auto sector and declined sale of Pakistan automobile industry:
Jica chief representative show interest in the auto sector of Pakistan.He show his interest to promote and produce cars in Pakistan.In the meeting they also discussed the declining rate of Pakistani currency and increased taxed imposed on the automobile sector of Pakistan by the Federal Excise Department of Pakistan.They also discussed the impact of increased taxes on the sale of automobile industry and the depressed situation of the manufacturers.
Establishing inspection infrastructure:
Jica will help Pakistan in setting up rules for developing a inspection infrastructure for the purpose of safety of the consumer as it will be used to test new and used automobile/vehicles.
Investment in Pakistani machinery:
In the meeting the Pm Aide suggested that a fund should be created by Japanese government that can be used to purchase machinery from Pakistan that will help in the upgrading of Pakistani technology.
Enhancing auto parts:
The auto sector of Pakistan is growing rapidly but still under a developing stage.Japan will assist Pakistan to enhance the quality, cost, compatibility and flexibility of its auto sector to raise the level of automobile industry of Pakistan.
Abdul Razaq Dawood remarks for the meeting:
Abdul Razaq Dawood the advisor of the prime minister said that the helping hand of japan to the automobile industry of Pakistan will be very beneficial.It will grow economy of Pakistan and will be useful for the investment purpose.By providing safety and introducing new feature it will also enhance the auto mobile sector of Pakistan.