FiveAi Company could be the New but the work is astonishing, after searching about “FiveAi” anyone could be amaze because no Details about it are available on Wikipedia yet, but the astonishing part is that Artificial Intelligence Based Company FiveAi is ready to test its autonomous driver less cars on the Roads of Britain. Another important thing to know about this company is that it is backed up by Government.
According to details given by “Telegraph” Trials of the Driver less vehicles has been started on 24-oct-2019 in London where the technology will prove itself to be safe for the humans.

FiveAi has gathered 130 volunteers while everyday one of the volunteer among them will travel though Ai Driver less Car on the Road.
Transport secretary grant shapps said;
The untapped potential of self driving vehicles technology is huge. It could enhance road safety, tackle isolation and create economic opportunities.”
As there are many benefits of having driver less cars those are also in favor of government.
He said further;
“The government future of mobility: urban strategy sets out how it is planning for the introduction of self driving vehicles, and street wise successful trial will be major step to rolling out the next phase of UK’S transport revolution”