The marvelous engineered Bugatti Veyron claims to hold the title of world’s fastest sports car for a long time until it got transferred to its successor Bugatti Chiron. Regardless to that Bugatti Veyron still holds the royal status when it comes to hyper cars. The carbon fiber beast outputs an insane top speed of 415km/h (258mph) which is limited electronically to prevent it’s tyres from collapsing. There is so much carbon fiber that goes into Veyron, thus making it very difficult to reach its engine via removing panels after panels of Carbon Fiber because this is what makes the car faster. The car is engineered on such a complicated level that one has to open-up half of the car from back just to reach engine holes and leaks. Therefore a simple oil change in Bugatti Veyron costs about the price of a new sedan. A person being able to buy a Bugatti can for sure drip in $21,000 for an oil change easily.
So what is it that makes the Bugatti Veyron Oil Change a $21,000 job? In order to change the oil of Bugatti Veyron it requires a 27 hour job with hundreds of bolts getting off and on from the car as they are in very large number to support the car at such high speed. Oil change for Bugatti is recommended every year if the car is driven or not in order to ensure the maximum performance from engine. The process in whole costs somewhere in $21,000-$25000 depending upon the royalty of vehicle. The oil change is so complex that it requires stripping down the components in order to reach 16 different drain plugs for oil. The Bugatti Veyron requires dry-sump oiling system method.

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This requires taking out parts under body, which consumes hours of work. Once you strip down the bottom and drain the oil, Instead of putting the car back together, the supercar now requires the mechanic to strip a whole lot of extras just in order to pour new juice into the French beast. Therefore for refilling the oil, grill has to be removed which is followed by removal of rear-line fenders then the whole rear deck of car which also includes the whole rear brakes that are bigger in size as compared to the front-ones. Finally it’s time to pour the engine oil inside and then put all the parts including rear panel and under body together.

This whole process in total consumes 27 hours but why is it that Bugatti Veyron is so special?
Bugatti Veyron holds the title of one of most exclusive car with only 150 units of Bugatti Veyron Grand Sports and only 30 of Super Sport thus making it a desire for the rich ones too. The least expensive model costs $1.7 million with the higher one going up to $3 million and $5.8 million for new Chiron and Divo respectively. Hence a very narrow list of individuals owns Bugatti as the exclusiveness comes with the price to keep the car. Most of Bugatti owners tend to own multiple private jets, yachts and exotic collection of world’s most expensive cars. Therefore proving the exclusivity in car where the ones who possess enough heart to own world’s fastest car own this legendary piece of wheels.

Bugatti is owned by world’s largest Automotive group “Volkswagen”, whereas it is manufactured in France. It packs an insane 1200 bhp@ 6400 rpm. The car is powered by quad-turbocharged 8.0L engine with a w16 engine cylinder. This equals to 2 narrow V8 engines tied against each other in a narrow fashion, the engine gets its power from turbo chargers. When it comes to driving, the car equips all-wheel drive mode with specially made Michelin PAX- flat run tyres that are designed just to digest the insane speed of Veyron. In order to achieve the top speed of Veyron, the driver needs to turn the key on left side, thus enabling the top speed mode while the car being at rest. This way the system performs all necessary checks, lowers the cars height with retraction of rear spoiler, shutting down of air diffusers at front and lowering the ground clearance for more grip. At top speed the car breathes an extravagant amount of 45000L of air per 60 second, which is the same amount of as much as human breathes in the course of 4 days. While other competitors of Bugatti struggle to stay smooth and eventually wobble a little bit on top speed, Bugatti Veyron being the French legend maintains its full calm even at the top speed.