Personal Experience:
I have been driving with careem for more than 3 months, it seems quite easy to start earning money “as simple as just register and start Driving” but without any doubt it is not as simple as it looks, There are many ups and downs in the earning one day may you earn nice amount while other day you may just earn amount to refill you car. One thing that is good is that you become your own boss but becoming own boss is not important only but earning money is the main purpose and reason for joining the careem, Yes careem can become full time job alternative if you salary is less than 40-50 thousands but in no means it can become the alternative of the part time job because if you have plan to drive it 5-6 hours in the evening on daily basis I will not recommend you because by driving 5-6 hours you will not be able to earn bonuses that create the major difference and by driving 5-6 hours you may earn the pocket money but not the decent amount.
By driving part time if you are earning pocket money and maintenance amount for the car, at the same time you are ruining your car in heavy city traffic which lately directly or indirectly impact your car price as well as engine, suspension and obviously exterior of the car.

When you will start driving with careem with some trips you may earn “0 RS” because those ride will be added to bonuses and bonuses could only be earned by completing the task assigned by careem which is impossible to complete while driving part time and this is where you also loss “ownership of your own boss”. Task they assign are difficult because they ask you to complete 40,50,60, 70, 80 rides in certain period of time to claim or earn your bonus and that is surely not possible for part timer & some times for full timer as well.
Recently Lot of Drivers left Careem as well as UBER because of such problems and now company have less drivers and more rides. If Careem as well as uber want to survive in Pakistan than they should have to give the total amount to the drivers what they earn because most of the drivers are part timers and cannot full fill tasks. As much as I understand only one entity is earning and that is company itself.
Recently I have read news related to UBER and Lyft (another ride hailing company) where drivers strike against the companies on 8th may 2019 In united states and protest against unfair pay, poor working conditions and lack of transparency from UBER (protest against UBER) that definitely support my experience and review.
one thing is forget to mention is Careem is now owned by UBER and obviously Careem is working under UBER conditions, and last but not least if there is your mistake or not “any of customer complaint against you” you will lose your rides, commissions as well as partner job with UBER.
Must Share your experiences with these Companies