About 29% of Road Accidents are related to disobeying the Traffic Signals on road, Signals are crucial to be followed as they ensure safe roads while minimizing the risks of accidents. Every driver before breaking a signal especially at day time is confident to make it through however over confident and risk taking often leads to unfortunate event of being slamming into other vehicles which can be fatal. Most of accidents take place on intersection or turns where drivers fail to recognize the importance of signals. While it may seem possible to cross, you in fact might be putting yours and other lives in danger therefore understanding the concept and phenomenon of signals is very important.
The first step towards the understanding of Road Signals is getting to know the mechanism; therefore some advanced signals on larger intersections or highways exits work according to traffic flow. The sensors in signals indicate how much traffic is passing through respective sides hence the mechanism automatically controls signal timing. For example let’s say the traffic from residential area towards commercial area is greater in morning as compared to opposite direction, since more people are commuting towards offices, businesses and school etc therefore the sensors of Traffic Signal analyzes the situation and turn the green light for more duration towards the destination. Contrary to this in evening’s people tend to move from the commercial zones, back to residential one hence the signals working vice versa. Therefore the smart Signals can control the traffic according to need. However, this is not so much common among all the countries of even on all American or European roads. Timer is generally the most common indicator that helps you crossing the intersection, giving you more accurate idea about whether or not crossing on yellows.
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Now when it comes to traffic signals everyone on the road understand the Red, Yellow and Green, Majority believes in Red for stop, Yellow for getting ready to launch while Green for Go! However the case just not is that simple. The red obviously instructs us to stop and the green to go however yellow is a bit tricky as it requires a little more insight. The most common mistake vehicle drivers lead themselves into fatal accidents is attempting to make it through the yellow, this particularly is wrong. Henceforth the right way to deal with yellow it to stop at the yellow as it indicates the other sides signal is turning green in seconds. However if you are in the middle of intersection, a couple of seconds ensures your safe crossing, therefore yellow light is to stop instead of rushing yourself to make it out. Since it is not only unsafe for yourself but for others too that is why spending a couple of seconds more on a signal is safer than unfortunately getting into an accident. Travelling at nights can be trickier when it comes to approaching empty intersections, for just to be safe it is recommended to lower your speed while crossing the intersections at night. It is clearly to be kept in mind that yellow light is to be stopped instead of increasing speed.
Distracted driving is not only cause of damage during driving the car, it also is responsible in some cases of signal crossings. What really happens is that a person gets distracted into cellphone or playing songs in car or talking to passenger, hence fails to move the car almost instantly as soon as the green turns up. This slows down the traffic, thus causing the following drivers to rush through due to improper driving of the ascender. In addition, forming more lines on sides increases the slow passage as soon as signals open since everyone tries to converge in middle of road instead of corners. Another important factor in obeying signals is to stand clear of the line before pedestrian crossing, This will not only save you from getting fined as in many parts of world, stepping a tire on line gets you an automatic ticket against the title (license plate) whereas it is also uncivilized behavior. Therefore in order to stay safe and ensure the safety of others, it is much important to obey traffic signals according to correct understandings.